Orthomolecular Medicine
The right molecules at the right amounts

Understanding nutrient deficiencies & using supplementation to boost your body at a molecular level

Ayurvedic Medicine
The science of life

Determining one’s body type to customise bio-individualised plans that help create balance in all areas of life

Eastern Philosophy
Using the mind to heal the body

Healing the whole person using practices including meditation, yoga and breath-work

Functional Medicine
Modern day naturopathic medicine

Using sub-clinical lab testing to determine the root cause of issues

Traditional Chinese Medicine & Herbalism
Using the power of herbs & energy practice

Enhancing overall wellness using herbal formulas and energy practices

Bioregulatory Medicine
the science of self-healing

Recognising disease progression and using bio-individualised protocols and plans to replace deficiencies and remove toxicities

Traditional Naturopathy
Using ‘Right Living’ to rebalance the body

Using ‘right living’ practices including fasting, saunas and massage to calm the mind and body